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Personal Development Workshops for Adults

Find Your Reset: Philosophy Workshops for Reflection and Renewal

In the midst of life’s busyness, we all need a way to pause, recharge, and reconnect. Perhaps for you, it’s a quiet evening with a favorite book, a moment in the yoga studio, or a catch-up with close friends. I, too, find balance through small rituals—cooking, supporting local gems like Alice in Videoland and Lumiere Cinema, or enjoying curated films on Kanopy from Christchurch Libraries. These moments ground me, helping me reconnect with what matters.

Now, I invite you to experience a different kind of reset: a philosophy workshop designed as a space to pause, reflect, and explore life’s questions in a supportive, peaceful environment.

What to Expect from a Philosophy Workshop

This workshop is an opportunity to step away from the daily rush and gain fresh perspectives on familiar challenges. In a relaxed setting, you will be guided to shift thought patterns, find clarity, and experience a new lightness in facing life’s complexities. You’ll leave feeling less burdened, recharged, and perhaps inspired to bring newfound insights into your daily life.

Think of it as a different kind of “retreat”—one that’s about rejuvenating the mind and spirit, sparking curiosity, and embracing the joy of thoughtful conversation.

Philosophy and Poetry Evenings at Cherish

If you’re interested in an ongoing experience, I’m hosting Philosophy and Poetry Evenings at Cherish every two weeks. These gatherings combine the reflective power of poetry and philosophy to unleash the power of your own imagination and reveries. Each evening offers a chance to connect, unwind, and engage with poetic images in a calm, nurturing atmosphere. You can find more details on my blog, and I’d be thrilled for you to join us.

Take a moment for yourself. Join a workshop or one of our philosophy evenings and rediscover what a mindful pause can do for you.

What participants are saying about these workshops:

It was absolutely magical.

Held beautifully (on every level) by the incredible Lucie who drew on her own magic to hold space for us and guide us to create ....

Such a beautiful, beautiful container of sacred stillness and creativity.

Soooo looking forward to the next session already..

© Lucie Rivet. All rights reserved.