“Your own beautiful life”!

A young person leaping with joy and enthusiasm facing a vast landscape

This week, I led a short circle/workshop on the themes of culture, beliefs, values, and spirituality.

Teenagers from an Ōtautahi college were tasked with sharing their beliefs and values in one of their assignments, as well as reflecting on how spiritual and cultural factors could support their learning.

It was interesting to see that many of them initially thought they had no beliefs or values, and that spirituality and culture had no place in their lives. However, after a brief discussion, many realized that they did hold certain values, such as “respect,” which they considered very important. They also identified the significance of family and friendship. Some students discovered that being part of a rock band was a cultural activity, and that, yes, snowboarders have a distinct culture that can be both supportive and conducive to personal growth!

Many also came to understand “spirituality” in a broader sense than they had originally thought.

I love these short philosophical circles, as they are an especially effective format for teenagers and young adults. I truly believe they can help them shape their “own beautiful lives.”*

*This expression comes from a local philosopher I was fortunate enough to work with, Dr. Christoph Teschers. I encountered this lovely phrase, “own beautiful life,” in his soon-to-be-published book, which is currently under press!

© Lucie Rivet. All rights reserved.