After our soirée at Cherish last night, on Air and Dreams, from Gaston Bachelard, I am still on my little cloud. This morning, I look at the sky differently. I pay more attention on the air on my skin. The sunrise felt even more fresh and new than other mornings. I feel so present. There is an harmony, an alignment that I had not felt for a while.
Yesterday was different from the first three sessions of this workshop. More “healing”. We used the chapter on “silent speech” to create a breathing exercise that the delightful Susannah led for us with her extraordinary voice. Then we composed a poem inspired by the imagery of the blue sky, the constellations, the clouds …
And finally we created our own guided imagery exercise. Inspired by the chapter on Robert Desoille, one of the father of sophronosation. It is the first of Bachelard’s book that feels so “therapeutic”.
Participants loved it. They expressed this was “gold”, “awakening”, that they felt “nourished”, and that what we had created would have “ripples” beyond what our imagination can consider…
And my intention for today is that my inner state stays with me in some way throughout my time a d that it helps me take even better care of the young adults and teenagers I’m interacting with, or that I can return to it when needed.
Images can heal. They are not simple metaphors to express a deeper truth. They exist, and affect our psyche. So let’s pay attention to the images we let in…